This piece was based on Caravaggio's "Narcissus" as a self portrait. I chose to replicate that painting in particular due to the storyline behind it. As Narcissus finds his reflection in the water, he falls in love with himself, eventually dying of starvation due to never looking away. As this story is quite morbid, I hoped viewers would see the positive behind it as well and consider how important loving oneself is. After struggling with my own identity for the nineteen years I have been alive, I have finally become someone that I recognize and feel comfortable about, rather than someone I am constantly trying to be. I considered this feeling a sort of "falling back in love with myself," therefore seeing Narcissus's story as a great way to represent it.
Price | $0.00 |
Dimensions | 40 x 32 x 1 H x W x D (cm) |
Creation Date | November 2021 |
Subject Portraits |
Style Realism |
Medium Oil |
Substrate Canvas |